Tag: Mozart Effect

  • Music and math: Why study music, part II

    Math teachers have often noticed that students who are good in math have studied, or are studying, music.  In the past, it was assumed that the kind of discipline necessary to excel in playing a musical instrument would extend to other academic areas, leading to excellence in those areas as well.  But some researchers looked at the math-music…

  • Why study music, part I

    Albert Einstein, at or near the top of anyone’s list of “greatest scientists of the twentieth century,” revolutionized science with his theory of relativity.  And what did he have to say about this discovery? The theory of relativity occurred to me by intuition, and music is the driving force behind this intuition.  My parents had…

  • Music makes you smarter – or maybe not

    Twenty years ago, the press had a field day with a small study published by a California researcher, much to the surprise of the author.   The public’s imagination was caught by headlines that proclaimed “Listening to Mozart Makes You Smarter,”  or “Music Makes You Smart.”  An entire industry grew from the idea that listening to…